·       Top abstract for conference at the 2017 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo.

·       Departmental writer for SpinSheet Magazine covering environmental topics (4 pr year Until 2018).

·       Students Chair, APLD (Association of Professional Landscape Designers) International Chapter (2014-2016)

·       Educational/Certification Chair, APLD (Association of Professional Landscape Designers) Michigan chapter. (2014, 2015)

·       United States of America Merchant Mariner Credential with endorsements for 100 ton, inland, Great Lakes and Offshore. (Coast Guard Captains License)

·       VP and founding member of Gardening for Galapagos, a non-profit organization for preserving the Galapagos Islands

·       Regular speaker for food security, local food systems, agriculture and environmental sustainability

·       Regular speaker at garden clubs and landscape design portion of the

local Master Gardeners programs.

·       Consulted occasionally for courts as an expert witness with plants and landscape.

·       Acted as mentor for graduate students (George Washington University) interning in Horticulture and Landscape Design.

·       2016 Bruce Lee Service Award