G scale trains are model trains specifically designed for a garden setting. Here we sent all units out to be rebuilt for more modern propulsion. While the trains were at the doctor the track was totally revamped. Over the span of a few months we removed the track re-built the track bed and installed stonework for a real life setting. Plants were the last component to finish off the look. All plants selected were dwarf varieties to help with the scale of the garden and to provide an enjoyable room for the customer.
Chemicals in modern pools can be harsh and expensive. I designed this pool to include a 36’ lap lane bordered by bog gardens and a waterfall. With the water being pumped from the cool deep end and into the bog gardens the temperature was regulated. As the water filters thought the natural plants in the bogs the water becomes naturally clear. We continued to be amazed at how clear and simple the system was. All in a spectacular setting of nature.
So many projects over the years were in people’s back yards, special places where families come to find privacy and a connection to nature. Projects where we created separate rooms, provided outdoor dining, secluded relaxation and helped people simply access their space. This is an example of how I combined decking, a terraced stone patio and a set of spiral steps in what is a simple Virginia back yard.
Reconditioned material is becoming more popular in the landscape these days. Here we took some architectural material from an older building in DC and created a modern looking fence for the private entrance of a Frank Lloyd Right styled home in Alexandria, VA. - All in a days work.